Kunsthuis Yellow Art is an art studio where people who are mentally vulnerable and have artistic ambitions are welcome to develop their own oeuvre. In 2001 curator Jan Hoet organized a first exhibition in his formal family home (his father was a physician at OPZ Geel). The exhibition Y.E.L.L.O.W. showed insider and outsider artists side by side. Two invited artists collaborated with clients from OPZ. Hence Kunsthuis Yellow Art was born. Nowadays a group of approximately 30 participants are given the time and space to experiment and develop their own practice. Although artmaking can be therapeutic, it is not the aim of Kunsthuis Yellow Art. The studio provides a painting, drawing, ceramic and printmaking workshop.
Every year visits to exhibitions and/or other art studios are organized. In addition artistic collaborations with renowned artists are still taking place on a regular basis. The mutual interaction has proven to be both socially and artistically valuable. Also the reversibility of the terms insider and outsider art is questioned by collaborating. Finally the possibility is offered to participate in exhibitions and there is support when selling work.
Artplatform Rift. started out in 2017 as an answer to widen the 'raison d'être' of the organization. Rift. focuses on representing and developing artistic work and wants to investigate the mutual influence of 'outsider' and contemporary art. By organizing exhibitions, lectures, collaborations and other similar projects the platform exchanges experience, knowledge, insights and artistic productions with the contemporary artworld.
IMAGE Jennifer Lohrmann